
Monday, 24 December 2012

Different Types of Backpackers in Australia

You'll come across all kinds of people throughout your adventure. Here are a few you may encounter at your local backpacker:

Loud mouth

The loud mouth  is not only the loudest person staying at the hostel but also the one  that stays up the latest. That's what you get sometimes at backpackers.  Complain to reception although it's unlikely that they'll get kicked  out. They usually don't hang around any particular place for too long  and are never missed.


The  resident alcoholic. The drunk apparently does nothing other than drink  beer all day. How they are able to fund this lifestyle is a mystery  which only they seem to grasp. Sad but true.


Similar to the drunk, only this one is always high.


A  diligent and determined type that's early to bed, early to rise.  Working towards their goal. Workers can stay at a particular backpackers  for months at a time if they are at a job they enjoy and are able to  save enough from. This worker easily saves $300-500 per week. They are  also able to focus clearly on their target and be unaffected by  distractions. Being a worker is the most gratifying feeling of them all.  A true character builder.


The  lout does the bare minimum to get by. They have a job that just barely  covers their living expenses and that's working a full 10 hours a week.  Oh the poor things, unable to cope with the great big white world out  there. They spend most of their time complaining to anyone in the  vicinity about not being able to find a job, how hard it is out there  and a million other excuses. There is plenty of work out there.

Sense & sensibility

They  travel in pairs and are usually females. They are always the most  prudish travellers of them all and pretty much keep to themselves. They  are cook, eat and wash their dishes with militaristic precision without  uttering a word to each other. If you do get them to speak they like  finish each other's sentences. Creepy but true.

Cool dude

The  cool dude is the life of the party, the girl/guy that everyone wants to  be around. They are naturally happy people, completely comfortable in  their own skins that radiate easy smiles, good vibes and good times.  Surround yourself with as many cool dudes as you can.

Sir Laugh-a-lot

Sir  or Lady Laugh-a-lots are always happy and laughing. At anything.  Everything excites them. They are great to have around as their  enthusiasm for life is contagious.


The  hurricane has the ability to spontaneously make everything in his/her  vicinity look like a hurricane has just ripped through. They are  notoriously messy and live surrounded by their belongings. They don't  even bother removing what they left on their sheets (whole backpack  contents) before going to bed. Stay well clear when it's time for them  to pack up and move unless you care to witness the true definition of  stress and panic.


The  Veteran is the hostel's longest staying resident. Some have been there  over 6 months. They have seen it all. They spend this whole time living  in the same dorm surrounded by different people all the time. Their  jobs come and go, but their desire to stay in the same place remains  strong. Veterans always give the best advice. Forget what lonely planet  says ask them.


The  Guru is the most knowledgeable traveller out there. The Guru knows how  the system works, where work is, where to buy the best things, where the  best places to go are, how to get into whichever sort of work. Gurus  are like veterans that move around and go where the best opportunities  are. Gurus make opportunities for themselves everywhere. Hang around in  their wake and you'll learn something that will directly help you down the road. Learn as much as you can from them.

Party Hardy

Party Hardies are those that love to celebrate and party. They will either get drunk at the hostel or go out every night.  Many of them even work all day. Their commitment to getting as much  done as possible has to be admired although these are the types most  likely to crash and burn as the cost of their lifestyle and inability to  sustain it catches up. It's a thrilling ride while it lasts.


Clueless never knows anything. Clueless must ask how to get everywhere several times, will analyse  every page of the lonely planet and will always be unsure of  themselves. Being in Australia is too far out of some people's comfort  zone.


Trustafarians are those kids unfortunate enough to have endless financial backing from the bank of mom  & dad (mostly dad). I use the term unfortunate because they'll  never know the true meaning of freedom and adventure that one who goes  out there to make it on their own gets. Everything comes for free,  nothing is earned. Sure they will have a lot of fun and are generally  good people that were  unfortunate enough not to experience Australia  the best way.

Remote hogger

The  remote hogger is always watching T.V. 24 hours a day. Walk into the  lounge at any time of day and they are guaranteed to be sitting there  watching some meaningless crap on T.V. Whether they actually  eat,work,are paying rent, sleep or move are anyone's guess. Once it's  there it's there and it would be worth finding a new hostel.


The hour-shower(er) will take showers that last for an hour. Hot ones at that. They are the annoying  ***** that use up all of the hot water on cold days and leave the  bathroom looking like a steam room. A bacteria-riddled steam room.

Perpetual Cougher

The  perpetual cougher is the dimwit that spends all night coughing. They  usually crack out 10-20 coughs per hour but can be more on weekends.  They are perpetually annoying.


Every  dorm has one. Spend enough time in it and you'll eventually get used to  it. No, they won't stop so you'll either have to put up with it or find  somewhere else to sleep in this fully booked town tonight.

Surprise Inspectior

These  are the fools that come back drunk at 3am, turn on the lights and then  go about there normal business like nothing was happening. Groups of 2  or more inspectors not uncommon. Great for people that have to get up  early to go to work.


The econo-miser buys the cheapest of everything. They look like a Woolworths  commercial, none of their meals exceed $1 and they hardly ever eat.  They'll use whatever left over ingredients that get left out plus a few  of yours when you're not looking. This is a very resourceful survival  tactic when you are low on funds and a way to appreciate everything that  much more once the tide turns in your favour.

Random nodder

The random nodder  is that that person you've been seeing around the place for a week and  nod to each time you come across each other. You may or may not ever  speak, there presence is somewhat welcoming.

Foreign travellers not on a working holiday visa.

There  are a lot of travellers who aren't fortunate enough to have a piece of  paper from a 'friendly' country, therefore cannot come in on the working  holiday visa programme. They only get a tourist visa. They are  determined to see the country and will come down with money they worked  hard to save. They don't get to work along the way and are usually the  ones that clean the hostel in exchange for a free stay. Some will find  cash in hand work, most will in fact as they are resourceful people  determined to get the most out of their time here. When you see one of  them do buy them a beer or leave them something that could be useful to  them. Make sure they are the ones that get your food if you go away.  They are truly worthy of it.

Travellers learning English

Some  people at hostels have come to Australia for a limited time in order to  learn English. They are usually very polite, reserved and generally  keep to themselves. Maybe that's a reason why so few of them seem to be  actually learning anything.

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